untar filel .tar.gz
tar xvfz <filename.tar.gz>

untar tgz
tar zxvf <filename.tgz>

untar tar.bz2
tar xvjf <filename.tar.bz2>
bunzip2 <filename.tar.bz2>
tar xf <filename.tar>
>can set Short cut by :
1-& before name like <&MMS> now u can press ALT + M to access Object named MMS
2- by Object Property Window, and can also
ui->Object->setShortcut(QKeySequence("P"));/*now u can access Object by simply pressing p
3-ui->Object->setShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequance::New));/*now u can access Object by simply pressing CTRL+N
instead of using connect manually , u can use signals and slots GUI
Create Dialog
make button with Checkable is true
connect this button with items needed to be hidden and shown when Toggling the button
set layout size constrains to Fixed

Using minicom , MMC with Kernel and OS inside