Now u can create Android Apps with Air
Prerequisites :
1-Flash CS5 installed
2-Android SDK installed

Steps :
  1. Sign in Adobe Prereleased
  2. Install Air 2.5 Runtime Device for ur targeted Android API level like "Froyo"
  3. Install it to ur Device or Emulator from Command Prompt
    1. cd to ur Android SDK folder then Tools folder
    2. adb install $Runtime_Device_Froyo.apk
  4. Download AIR for Android Extension for Flash CS5
  5. Rename its extension from zip to zxp
  6. Open Adobe Extension Manager CS5 As administrator
  7. Press Install and refer to AIR For Android Extension and nxt nxt
  8. Open Flash CS5 and choose Air for Android
  9. Paint ur MasterPiece "make ur app"
  10. Press on Air "Android Settings" Dialog and set ur settings
  11. Press Publish in "Air Android Settings"
  12. Now u have ur app in .apk format
  13. EnJOY
thx to
Lee Brimelow
